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 I will give you my version of my dad's life story in very simple terms...

Dad was born.

Dad married Mom.

I was born.

Dad worked hard for 30+years.  

Dad had a heart attack,

then he suffered for 7 long years.

Dad died.

There is, of course, many details and stories in between.  Some good memories & some sad memories.  I wish I knew more about dad and what he thought about, what he loved, what he dreamed of....Did he have any special feelings?  What did he wish for and not get?  Did I make him proud? Did I let him down?

My dad lived a simple life.  He just wanted to work hard and take care of me and mom.  I hope he got to do the things he wanted to during his life.  I know he loved his family.  He enjoyed hunting and fishing.

He loved his C.B. radios.  He was the Blue Boy...

Oktober 19, 1944
Born on October 19, 1944.
Mars 13, 2010
Passed away on March 13, 2010 at the age of 65
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